The Art Story

The Art Story website has to be one of my favorite websites that thoroughly explains modern movements that helped shape art around the United States. They have a clear goal and vision of: “a world where the ideas and aspirations behind the wondrous art are accessible to anyone to explore and be inspired by.” They want this to be their main goal, because so often the people who are apart of the institutions of the Art world, do not take the time to educate people who do not know a lot about modern art (which is a large majority of Americans, and the world).

Throughout the website the authors and writers who work for the Art Story identify key movements and summarize the movements, have background context, and identify which artists were influential in that movement during it’s time. They even have large timelines that identify when the movements happened, or even when different sculptures happen that is known by the masses.

The creators of the website have made it clear and easy to navigate through on desktop and even mobile. This is important to be able to access it on mobile as it allows you to take The Art Story to art museums and learn more about artists and the time periods that people walk through at the museums. Because so often, viewers are not able to fully grasp the concepts behind particular art pieces, because they want to know more about a piece. This website allows the viewers to know more about the piece, and even continue to look and search around more easily for different artists that they may recognize.

This website is for the masses, and for the educated – because truly we can all continue to learn more about something that we may not fully understand.

You can view the site here:

Digital Show & Tell: Fiction

Last week I shared a website that was based around the movie The Grand Budapest Hotel directed by Wes Anderson. I shared this website because I was thoroughly thrilled by the creative aspects throughout the whole website. I have not been able to figure out how they created different aspects of tools throughout the website, but it is definitely a lot of fun to play with.

Wes Anderson really opens his viewers up to the world that he has created for The Grand Budapest Hotel, and helps create a story outside of the movie, onto his website. This project may not be a digital humanities project, it still identifies key things that I think are important to remember for a digital humanities project:

  1. [They] should be knowledgeable and have plentiful research on their topic to have a clear focus.
    1. Wes Anderson has achieved this by creating lots of different aspects that give you more information behind things that happen in the movies. He includes documents of death certificates, and news clippings to show his research.
  2. Use tools in a productive way that will benefit the potential audience.
    1. The tools that Wes Anderson has included in this really open up the different ways that files can be viewed; being able to click on a photo and have it zoomed in and colorized helps bring life to the pieces that the audiences view.

These are important things to consider when documenting and creating a website based on history – or anything in general.

You can view the fictional site here:

Selling of Bethel Snelling Campus

Bethel relocated to the new campus in Arden Hills in 1972, but began putting the old campus on Snelling Avenue up for sale in 1967. Snelling old campus was Bethel’s first campus that had student housing, libraries and classes. It was located right across from the Minnesota State Fair grounds, and was surrounded by residential housing.

In 1977 the Clarion reported about sale rumors that Bethel had agreed to a lower price from the government than what they had asked for in sale of the Snelling campus. They had asked for $1.95 million, but the article written by Pioneer Press had mentioned that they had sold the land for $1.65 million, a total that was $300,000 short from what was originally asked. The offer from the was said by “Bethel officials as a slap in the face”, and that the offer felt like they were going to be giving it away instead of actually selling it if they had agreed to that price. The government had plans to create a job corporation training center that would house around “400 young people between the ages of 16-21”.

The Clarion also reported about the feelings of the neighbors in the residential areas beside Bethel’s Snelling avenue campus, and identified that people were uncomfortable with the “federally subsidized employment center for juveniles” being placed there if bought from the government. Thus stirring up more controversy over the old campus site on Snelling avenue.

In 1978, a year after the controversy of the rumors that were reported by the Pioneer Press about the Snelling land. The Clarion wrote an article about the fact that Bethel was losing money from the old campus and the lease conditions that they had made. This identifies that the sale did not only go through, but the Snelling campus was on the market for another year, and that it was harming Bethel to keep it. They were losing around $8,000 a semester to keep the lease going with the government. The conditions of the lease meant that Bethel had to “pay for all utilities including water, sewage, electricity, oil and gas.” While they were paying for the lease and all the utilities, Bethel also had to maintain “the security and maintenance of the entire campus, which involves snow removal and upkeep of the lawn and parking areas.”

The Clarion identifies that if every room is occupied by a student in their housing, then they would receive $109,560 for the semester, but the cost of maintaining the campus for Bethel would be about $118,363. Because of issues with trying to find different housing for the students, Bethel was able to have their lease extended for just enough amount of time to get the students moved in on the new campus.

The “First Dorms to Be Done by Thanksgiving” article on the top identifies that the housing that was being built would most likely go to the students that are stuck in the limbo of housing from the old campus. These new dorms made the transition from Snelling to the new campus easier. In the next years to follow Bethel would rent out the dorms to incoming freshmen.

So to believe that the transition from Snelling to the new campus came easy would be a misjudgment. Bethel was able to buy new land and build more housing on the new campus, but it came at a cost of losing money from the old campus because of lease agreements.

Influenced by Technology

It was really important for me to include my grandfather in this because he influenced my life the most and really made me interested in computers ever since I was young. While I jump through a good chunk of years, I did this purposely to show that not only was technology important for me when I was young but that it is still influencing my life to this day.

I could see this being a very interesting tool to use to articulate different movements in Art for art history.